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Recruitment Fortune Cookie Project

Each Team Agent was given Chinese take-out boxes with white paper filler. The fortune cookies were placed inside of the box. There are three custom versions of fortune cookies:

1) For Buyers.
2) For Sellers.
3) To Recruit New Agents.

All three versions have four custom fortunes I wrote (see below). There are QR codes on the fortunes, on the box and on the printed piece that I generated. Each QR code links to a landing page that automatically emails the agent and populates an Excel file with all of the form information captured including the agent  dropped off the box. The gathered information will automatically integrate into the CRM to then trigger a SmartPlan to specifically market to the target.

All Fortunes.jpg

Agents “Off To The Races” Incentive Contest

Screengrab of Animation.png

“Home Is Where Your Story Begins” Graphic

Various Marketing Pieces and Logos

RPM International Womens Day.png
RPM Dog Bone Tag.jpg
RPM Events Logos_Final.jpg
RPM Events Logos_Final.jpg
RPM 2023 Holiday Card_Eblast.jpg
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